Call for Abstracts
Pain Brazil 2024 invites you to submit e-poster presentations through the online abstract system.
The Scientific Program Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Please note: Presenters of accepted abstracts must pre-register for the Pain Brazil 2024. Abstracts must be submitted via this website. Faxed or emailed abstracts will not be considered.
Important Requirements (please review)
- Abstracts may be submitted for e-poster presentations.
- The number of abstracts an author may submit is unlimited. However, a maximum of four abstracts can be accepted per presenter.
- Abstracts must be original and must not be or have been published or presented at any other meeting before the Congress.
- All accepted abstracts will be published in the official event publications.
- The scientific program will include only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees. Please note that at least one author must be registered for Pain Brazil 2024.
- Each registered author is responsible for his/her registration fee(s), travel, and accommodation costs.
- Abstracts must be submitted by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
- All the listed presenters have previewed this abstract and agree to its submission.
Important Deadlines
- Notification deadline: May 27, 2024
Abstract Notifications
Notification regarding abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent to the corresponding author by May 27, 2024. If you DO NOT receive an e-mail notification regarding your abstract submission by May 30, 2024, please e-mail
Abstracts must be submitted via this website. Faxed or emailed abstracts will not be considered.
Before submitting the abstract, the Corresponding Author will be required to confirm the following:
- I confirm that I have previewed this abstract and that all information is correct and by the abstract submission guidelines provided on the Pain Brazil 2024 website.
- I accept that the contents of this abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission and I am aware that it will be published exactly as submitted.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes my consent to all congress publications.
- I warrant and represent that I am the sole owner or have the rights to all the information and content (‘Content’) provided to Pain Brazil 2024 (Hereafter: ‘Organizers’). The publication of the abstract does not infringe any third-party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights.
- I grant the Organizers a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, translate, distribute, and display the Content.
- The Organizers reserve the right to remove from any publication an abstract that does not comply with the above.
- I herewith confirm that the contact details saved in this system are correct, which will be used to notify me about the status of the abstract. I am responsible for informing the other authors about the status of the abstract.
Technical Support
If you have any difficulties with the submission process that you cannot resolve yourself, please send an e-mail to
Link for submission